Tina: "Omigod Vicki...you made me a toy for Halloween?! That is so sweet of you. In return, I promise you that Natalie's wedding will be the best this town has seen!"
Wednesday, October 26th--Vicki's Little Wooden Toys She Widdles For Halloween Take Over the Blog
Oh and I will TRY and not take Todd's entitled quote personally! I mean...leopard skin is IN this season. I mean I just wore leopard pumps yesterday for crying out loud! Watch it RH!
Again, I love that Tina is answering the door at Llanfair for all the damn strangers...
Am NOT talking about the Gigi/Cutter/Rex/Aubs shit. No time this morning...thank God.
I love that Vicki is making little Halloween bags...ADORBS!!!! Todd: "You're the one that widdles little wooden toys for kids at Halloween." I love it. The apples for Christmas line was great, too.
Ugh...Blair looks hot in that dress. I'll give her that. I love that Blair still referred to it as Dorian's kitchen. Very nice.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Why oh why does he have to be on today!? I am going to get sick again...just when I start to feel better. Dammit to hell!!!!
Don't bash hyphenated names, Cutter and Tina. Ok good. For a minute there I thought they were. I would take this personally. OH EM GEE...Tina is so ditzy and I love it.
I wish I was slapping Gigi instead of her just slapping herself. WHAT? NuJack just saw Gigi?! NO! Just NO! You know, I gave myself a papercut yesterday from a packet of oatmeal (don't ask) and I can assure you I would rather cut myself all day long than watch this Gigi/Stacy shit. I CANNOT FLIPPIN' HANDLE IT!
Clearly, the Vicki/Todd scenes and anything with Tina will save this show. PEEING...Todd just asked about gluten. Love it.
When is this damn engagement party going to take place? I keep hearing about it. UGH!!!!! Gigi's pic is back on the damn mantle! Kill me. I cannot deal with everyone playing musical pictures in this down. Things are constantly getting switched around.
Ugh...the ONLY thing I will say about this Gigi shit is that, surprisingly, it doesn't look like there is an animal on her head. Her hair looks nice. You know if I hadn't seen half of the first episode of "Dirty Soap" maybe I would be more inclined to be nice about Gigi but not so much. FF was mean on that show!
I mean...Tomas' purpose on this show? I have been asking this damn question for months!!!! Someone effing explain this to me! I mean...sure he is super cute (I used to be so into him since I thought his character would be good...could have been) but that doesn't mean I want him to stay on the show. Ugh. Le woof.
I mean I just need Vicki, Todd and Tina on this episode for the whole hour...that is it. I mean besides watching these fine people I have to say I am bored as hell. I'm in a hurry anyway...
I'm ducking and running...I do think Aubrey would be a good match for Rex and I think those two and Shane look adorbs together. Seriously...they do.
I AM PEEEEEEING!!!!!!!!!! Todd is spouting off about fruit of the poisonous tree and Vicki's like "No, that's rules of evidence." YOU HAVE A CASE OF THE STUPIDS?! This is like the best shit ever! These 3 together are FAAAAAABULOUS!
Who are the VanEtten's, Blair? Tell me. Are they your neighbors. I am intrigued. Hell, watch OLTL add this as new damn characters to the show right before January. Fail.
Ok so the Shane/Rex sword fighting thing was cute. Ugh...I hate when I think stuff like that is cute.
What is not cute...these Gigi/Cutter scenes.
There was so much potential for Blair and Tomas and there is absolutely zero at this stage in the game...at least to me.
I LOVE that Vicki wouldn't let Todd crack the beer top on the counter. I mean...that leopard quote is faaaabulous! AHHHHHH!!!!!!! Todd said he wants Blair back! Nice!!!!!!
Ugh...I am not buying the Blair/Tomas kiss. Plus, it was a lame kiss. They just pressed their lips together. What a surprise...Blair has two men in love with her.
This last segment is hella boring. Where is the Lord family?
Yay! Todd and Vicki. hahaha! I love the comment about Vicki's sofa at the cabin.
That's it? Huge Boo!!!! I need to get ready for work anyway. Wow...it is 10 'til 8! Thank God Ross is taking me to work so I can put make-up on while I am in the car!
See y'all later...I promise I'll catch up!
Oh and for those who haven't seen Lola discussing OLTL...here she is.
Love y'all mucho,
On the mend Mija
Okay, for your own health, I strongly recommend that you skip Thursday's show. I know I said that I rely on you to blog the crappy stuff so that I can like it better, but as I watched Thursday’s show I became increasingly worried about your health, and I think you should put your own needs above mine. :)
The Lord Siblings in the Llanfair kitchen however, total gold! I've already watched it three times. :)
Hoping for Vets today!!!
- Laura
P.S. Oh wait, there was a VERY cute costumed kid on the Thursday show. Definitely worth catching that part. That will perk you up.