Vicki: "Tina, you are the maid of honor...not the bride. Now, I suggest you go and change and get to the party so Clint and I can make out and watch movies on my flatscreen that is weirdly placed in the living room."
Thursday, October 27th--Thank God Peanuts Have Protein and Give One Strength. Little Hope Carried the Damn Show. No One to Blog...
Natalie's hair looks gorgeous and I LOVE her dress!!! HELLS YES!!! Roxy is dressed like Brit Brit circa 1997! I mean...faaaaabulous! Getting some Louisiana representation on OLTL....even if it is a trashy representation, I'll take it.
Aubs' little jacket is cute. I love that little good morning song that Cutter just kinda spouted off. I really do. The orange juice commerical it is on always makes my day. Otherwise...I'm not commenting on these scenes.
OMIGOD!!!!!!! Hope is the Planters peanut!!!! I LOVE THIS!
Ummmm yeah I don't give a flying f*@k about the Ford's seeking fame and fortune and I'm not in the mood for Rick Powers today. Ross isn't here to enjoy this...
I mean I just want to eat up little Hope. That outfit is tooooooo cute! Oh Starr's shirt is uber cute. I absolutely love it. I don't like the earrings with it...should have worn gold.
Yeah...I'm commenting on outfits and clothes today which is a bad sign. Therefore this post will be short.
Dammit...I do like the titles to Rick's porn movies. Hella funny. I can't lie.
OMIGOD...Rex's shirt is a f*@king eyesore! Make it go away!!!!
Oh God...y'all I am so damn bored this episode. I have seen the costumes and Natty's cute dress...that is it.
Lord...Rick just did a reference to "Fraternity Row."
CLEARLY...WITHOUT A DAMN DOUBT...Hope is the BEST thing about this episode.
Ok I'm passing out from boredom. I'm sorry. I have to stop here in order to keep my strength up and blog about Friday.
My apologies.
Friday, October 28th--Marty Has Decided to Blog. Liam's Costume Gets Her "Seal" of Approval
I will say...I know Aubs' didn't really do the decorations but I do love how they decorated the Buch manse. Would Asa do that? Hell no. But in this given situation, the decorations are cute.
I love Natty's dress and I would purchase it to wear to work.
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Clint is answering the door for trick-or-treaters!!! GTFO?! Be still my heart!!! How adorbs is that little kid? I mean, Clint is presh. PRESH PRESH. Fabu...Clint just called Tina a "hussy." Aaaaand Tina's outfit is a trainwreck. I love it.
I don't give a shit whether Rex sees Gigi or not. Boo. Boo. Boo. No pun intended with it being Halloween and all.
HELLS YES. Enter Queen Victoria! I am so pumped. This whole scene is hilar and absurd. Oh Tina...thinking Vicki and Clint want to be the bride and groom.
Oh please show us Liam's costume. Better yet show us Liam IN the costume!
John McBain's hair looks hopeful with all this Natty talk.
Yeah so I would prefer if Rex hooked up with Aubs and left Gigi/Stacy in the dust. But, in the end I really don't give a shit. I'm just throwing that out there.
Snap...there for a moment I forgot Clint was on house arrest, too. Oh and I would like to see Clint giving David Vickers a little TLC.
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Liam is a little walrus?!?! Shut the front door!!! How effing adorbs is this child, y'all?! I cannot deal with this cuteness overload! Wait...natalie just called him a baby seal. Damn I thought seals didn't have little teeth like that? Times...I just Googled pics of baby seals and none have teeth. I am sticking with baby walrus. Sorry. Regardless, the seal/Navy Seal thing is an absolutely presh idea.
Shaun's costume is faaaaaaabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also love that he is Roxy's date!
I love watching John's silky coif throw back beers. So sexy.
God, I love Natty and Brody's costumes!! Natalie looks gorgeous!
TIMES THE F*@K OUT! HOW GORGEOUS DOES VICKI LOOK?! I LOOOOOOVE the black ensemble!!!! And how effing adorable does Silver Fox look holding Liam?! My heart is melting. Oh and Vicki doting on Clint...loves it. YES! Vicki miss the party and stay with Clint!!!! I LOVE IT! How cute do they look with Liam?! I cannot effing deal! I mean I cannot deal with Vicki's outfit. She looks gorg! Clint needs to step up his game...
I'm so riveted by these Cutter/Gigi scenes...balls.
See...Rex and Aubs are cute together. Even in those costumes...
I LOVE Tina and Cord's outfits! OMG...what a horrible engagement party!!! That music in the background! HORRIBLE! What happened to "The Monster Mash?" That is my fav. This party looks a little creepy. I'm glad it ain't my party. And I am certainly glad I wasn't invited.
Times...these kids at McBain's door are edible! I especially love the little poodle girl. PEEING...McBain gave them each a "Lincoln" and said that should go a long way in a struggling economy. I love him. I'm sure it was his mane's idea.
So Kim sent Clint a letter. Nice. OH LORD...Liam is squeeling!!!! Poor thing!
Yeah so I need Cutter to leave the show with Stacy and for Rex to leave the show with Aubs...soon. Like...Monday.
I mean...how cute are they?! Clint: "Ya know I'm helpless without ya." I LOVE IT!!!
That music has got to effing go! It's like Nine Inch Nails or some goth crap. Also, this engagement party looks boring.
How small does that cup look in Shaun's hand?! DAMN!
I think Battleship is very boring. That is why I'm not commenting.
hehe...Roxy: "Let's beat it."
Look at Tina piecing together who Gigi is! So proud!
Can't wait for Rex to see Gigi...not.
Okay! Off to enjoy the day! See y'all later! Have a great weekend!
I kind of love the idea that Viki was able to find a cowgirl outfit in Llanfair for Tina to wear to the party. And cowboy stuff for Cord, too? Can't help but think Viki and Clint used to wear that stuff in their happily-married heyday for *ahem* fun. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you about that pitiful Halloween party. Might as well have had the party on November 1 if they we're even going to bother playing Halloween music.
Oh, did you catch the trick-or-treater at Llanfair at the beginning of the ep telling Clint and Cord that he had a peanut allergy? Viki was all over that! :) 'Bout time to start whittling the Christmas toys!
@Laura hahahaha! I know. I love that the clothes were in perfect condition and somewhere in a vacuum sealed pouch in the costume closet at Llanfair! Oh, I am soooo sure that Vicki and Clint made use of those clothes. Nice thought!
ReplyDeleteUGH. The Halloween party is atrosh and now that I have seen this party in about 3 episodes I feel as if I attended the damn thing and I can honestly say it is like the worst engagment party ever. haha! YES. I DID see the little trick-or-treater saying he had a peanut alergy....adorbs! Vicki was all over that. She is so fabu!