YEAH! No shitty teens on this episode! Everyone take a shot!
Monday, October 31st--Cutter's Nipples Are Blogging. Everyone Else Is Partying at Nat and Brody's Atrosh Party.
hahaha...."La Ghoul-ay." I love it. OMG...Sam is a little shark and Blair is the lifeguard. UH-DORBS!!!
Even more adorable? This Clint and Vicki banter. God they are fabulous. DAYUM...Bree is growing up fast. She's like a damn weed.
Lord...those shots look AWFUL! Like orange Triaminic from back in the day before they made medicine taste good (except Ceclor --the pink stuff--tasted awesome. ok I am getting off base here). Did y'all ever take that medicine as a child? WOOF.
I prefer Gigi/Stacy in the mask/hood ensemble. K, that's it.
All the sexual references with Blair and Todd. I love it. Todd is trying to be there for sweets...that's for sure. OMIGOD how effing cute is Sam waving to Scarface. I mean...Todd you can't be mad at that presh nugget. He is so cute! I can't stand it!
How flippin' cute is Clint digging into the candy bag? In other news: WHO IS EFFING TIRED OF THIS PATERNITY SHIT!? OMG someone shoot me!!!
Natty will no doubt make a comment about Joey. No way she is being this nice to Aubs. Aaaaand she did. Good for her. Aubs deserved that.
I mean Tina and Cord flippin' crack my shit up! And I also can't help but laugh at them in their western get-up.
Raise your hand if you give a flying f*@k about Gigi/Stacy/Cutter/Rex? Don't be scared...if you want to raise your hand then do it. I won't be upset.
Times...the Tivo describes this episode as "Cutty lays out the deal's terms for Rex." CUTTY? hehe. Kinda cute.
OMIGOD! Little Sam I am begging you to come hang out with me. I'm desperate. I'm on my hands and knees...please! I love that they haven't even gone to the southside of Llanview to get candy yet and that Blair is taking Sam back out later.
YES...Tina insists upon Cord being best man. Loves her.
Aaaand Ford will try and converse with Silver Fox and will no doubt get shut down...
Jessica's belt is heinous. On another note, OLTL uses the word "detente" relatively often. Hmmm.
OMG OMG OMG...."Wait a second! I know those nipples!" I mean...I would KILL...do y'all hear me? KILL to be at a party where something like that gets said. Loves it!
Jesus H. Christ. If I am going to see the Buchanan stables, I want to see a damn BUCH in there! Good Lord! I am not interested in seeing Stacy/Gigi run to the stables. Just no.
Ah! Roxy just said Dorian's name! Whannnn! Miss her. I'm taking a sip of wine now for Dorian.
An unscrupulous dog led around by his hormones. Nice. Oh boo, Ford. Sticks and stones? Think of something better.
Sam is too presh. Wow...poor thing is gonna need to go to therapy later in life. Marcie and Michael called him Tommy and now he doesn't have Victor. Poor thing.
Is it really bitchy of me to be miffed with Clint that he is now being tolerant to Ford? Maybe my mind will change. OF COURSE...the damn letter fell in the trick-or-treat bag. OF COURSE.
Did Roxy change camisoles? Wait...is that her lingerie? I'm confused. Tina just said "magnanimous" and Vicki used it last segment. I just doubt that word would be used twice today...especially by Tina. Just sayin'.
Jesus I wish Aubs would take out Cutter and Gigi/Stacy. Please!!! Do us a favor, dammit! You owe us, Aubs! It is the least you could do...
Ok so I kinda want Tina's cowgirl outfit to just wear around the house. ;)
I hate Natalie's nail polish.
How flippin' cute are Sam and Todd with the pumpkins!?
I love that Todd is really trying for Blair. He is being adorbs.
Ok Clint and Vicki alone...I NEEDED THIS!!!!!! Do y'all hear me?! I needed this! I mean...I can't have Bo and Nora alone so at least give me this. Longer than two seconds, too...please. Peeing...a cook-out with Carlo Hesser! Nice one, Victoria. AH! I mean...Clint just whispered into Vicki's hear and asked her when she is going to take chances?! I'm DYING!!!! I LOVE THESE TWO!!!!!!!!
I mean I love that Todd talked to the pumpkin! How presh!? HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Irene just scared the shit out of me!!!!! Oh yes...she did! I know tons of people are witches on Halloween but she looks PHENOM!!!!!! Bitch is scary!!!! Well played, OLTL, well played. I LOVE this bitch! Love her! I mean...I like her surfacing every now and then. Please keep her.
I mean...Clint has Vicki backed up against the wall. I love it. Awe...all these Joe references...sha. Be still my heart!!!! Clint said he is "still on the job" taking care of Vicki. I love them!!!!
"Hey this isn't a treat. Someone tricked me!" That's right, Bree, you've been had. I can't believe everyoe has been telling you that your mother is the most exciting character on the show. You WERE tricked!
Man, Natty and Brody's engagement party is so flippin' lame. I need a hippo to fall through the roof and make shit happen. OF COURSE...the letter NOW dropped outside of the Buch mansion. Please, bitches.
Man, this Gigi story is so f*@king cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
YES! Tina and Cord in the stables...THAT is what I am talking about. Oh, I think I did pee a bit. Tina said the stables smelled like a petting zoo. YESSSSSS!!!!!!! Tina and Cord are making out. Word!!! I LOVE that Tina calls Cord buy his full name.
Wait...Ford looks funny with a baseball cap on.
Yeah something is def the matter with me because I kinda got sad looking at Rex when he looked at Gigi's picture. Fail, Mary-Ella. Total fail. What I think is a fail even more is that they are having all this hoopla for Nat and Brody when we know she is getting back with John and I'll then not like anymore. Great.
No...I want these Vicki/Clint scenes to never end.
Aaaaand Cutter found the letter. OF FLIPPIN' COURSE.
Yay! We got to see Irene one more time! ;)
Ooookay! Off to do stuff. Oh and I'll respond to comments later! Laura I know I have to get back to you! ;) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!