Sure, Llanview has "The Banner" and "The Sun" but there is another hot read in town, "The Llanview Ledger." Following the daily lives of our favorite Pennsylvanians. Enjoy!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Little Hope Has Lost Hope

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Main Reason to Stay in Llanview: ONLY If You Get to BE DJ at Capricorn. Word, Yo.

Destitute? No. How Can I Be Destitute When I Have This Awesome New Sex Hair?

The Most Pitiful Helper

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
One (More) Life to Live

Good Evening My Lovelies,
I am thrilled to be back guest posting for the fabosh ME while she tries to keep up with her hectic life!
My most sincere sympathies to all whose local ABC stations interrupted OLTL to cover the Blago verdict yesterday. Don’t yall just hate it when the show is preempted for news that could have been delivered via a ticker at the bottom of the screen or on the evening news? Case in point: ABC decided to interrupt the highly anticipated bitch slapping of Inez by one Nora Hanen Gannon Buchanan for… Yea, I don’t remember what that breaking news was either. Note to ABC in the immortal words of Bon Qui Qui, “Don’t interrup… RUDE”!
Ok, so I am just going to go ahead and do a numbered drive by of random comments/observations because my brain is totally fried from grading essay exams, and this will be the easiest way. Please excuse any and all typos! K? Bon! Let’s get crackalackin, shall we?
Monday, June 27, 2011, Drive-Thru Summary of Events in Llanview. PA.
Brought to you by King Burger, “… where we can do it your way but don’t get crazy.”
- Dorian looks fabu. That is all!
- David and Dorian are sitting shiva because Clint is not dying?! David is Jewish maternally, though “Step-Nora”?! I am pretty sure I peed on myself!
- Clint’s hair looks a bit dischevled. The hospital’s hair stylist was obviously too busy in GiGi’s room.
- I flurve the look of handcuffs on nuJack, too bad that won’t last long.
- OMG, RH spoke? Color me shocked.
- This episode will be bearable because of the following: no member of the Ford family is on, no Day-en, and no Mestiny. YES!!!
- Snap, Kelly mentioned Zane, and I almost passed out. She knows that child’s name? Really? Ten to one, the bitch couldn’t pick her own child out of a damn line-up.
- Jess is kinda acting like Tess.
- I will cry through these Clint scenes today – FACT! Ugh, Vicki is already getting chocked up? I need Kleenex, prontito! Times, I am kinda distracted by those red buttons on Vicki’s suit.
- OMG, all this yelling at the LPD. My head hearts. Surely John needs an Advil, too.
- HAHAHAHA!!! Vickers: “Maybe since we are sitting shiva, we should actually sit… Sitting shiva is hard.”
- Kelly, I am also sorry that you and John decided that you are better off as friends. Boo!
- Ooooo, Brody told you, Joey! Word!
- Aaaaaaaand, I am a basket case. Thanks Clint and Vicki. Awe, Clint was his best self with Vicki. Well, just kill me. This one scene made the entire show. If these two don’t get back together before OLTL ends (Huge TEAR), I will be a very unhappy little girl.
- GiGi’s nails are even manicured? Mylanta. I want to be a patient at Llanview Hospital. It is like going to the spa!
- Baby Liam is absolutely presh, and I just want to squish his little chubby cheeks.
- McBain is talking above a whisper? I guess that is what happens when you have to deal with the likes of ooc Rex and Tea.
- May I just say that I flurve that Dorian still calls Joey “Joe.” Flurve it. I cannot even explain why. Aaaaaand David just said the following, and I had to go change my Depends, “How many times has that guy dumped you? He probably can’t count that high.” Lol, you’re right, David, I think counting past ten is learned in kindergarten, and Joey isn’t there yet… maybe in the fall. Snap, actually Dorian, the stupidest think Kelly ever did was pro-create because she sucks as a mother. There, I said it!
- Thank you, Queen V, for getting all HBIC on your two daughters. Sick of their catfights, so you keep their asses in line. OMG, Vicki is now sobbing, and I cannot deal.
- Random observation: The LPD and St. James’ Church obviously purchase their ice packs from the same company. Bo put the same kind of pack on his lip in January after he and Clint got into that scuffle. Come to think of it, I wonder if anyone ever found Bo’s ice pack in the fern that Nora put it in. Hhmmm. I know. No one but me gives a shit. Back to the show.
- I mean, I am just assuming that RH is the real Todd Manning, especially now that it has been confirmed that Trevor St. John is leaving the show early. Just a guess.
- Baby Liam is way to adorbs for words.
- Oh, be still my heart, an Asa Buchanan reference. I miss that cowboy so much, it’s not funny.
- Dammit, nuJack is going to talk now. Balls.
- Dear Tea, You played a role in this nuJack situation, too. If you wanted his pathetic ass to face the consequences, you should not have defended him and had Toad hire an attorney. Please don’t make me start disliking you again. XO, MH.
- Ok, this scene where Dorian told David that she doesn’t want Clint to die was just so fabu that I am beside myself. That was a glimpse (well, more like a flashback, I guess) of Dorian Lord, circa 1990s, and I flurve it.
- Peeing! Kevin and Chord will be there as fast as they can? Really? Too bad we will never see them visit their father, much like we never saw Rachel come visit Matthew when everyone (well, everyone except for Nora) thought he would die. Egregious! Times, Clint, you are entrusting a preschooler with the well-being of your family? I thought you were smarter than that, handsome.
- OMG, a Nat/Brody hug with baby Liam in the middle. Be still my heart. I am enjoying the hell out of these scenes while they last. Le sigh.
- I cannot even comment on these Toad buying nuJack’s freedom so that he can “punish” nuJack himself. Really, Father of the Year award for you Toad. Woof.
- Has anyone told Blair about this nuJack shit? FAIL.
- Dear Nat, Still waiting to borrow that blouse.
- Stop it!! A Dorian being a doctor reference? I am absolutely beside myself with Strasser’s performance in this episode. She is the shit, and I will cry like a baby when she leaves. Times, did I hear this correctly? Dorian, a character over the age of 15, had suggestive dialogue? Well, I just don’t even know what to say about that. Actually, I do. Can Bo and Nora have some, too? Pleeeeeeeease. I mean, who do I need to sleep with to make this happen?
- Look at Joey being all head of the family. Yikes!
- Awe, Brody took baby Liam to work. I cannot deal with this child’s cuteness. Just cannot. I hope my children (the ones I will have the day after never at this rate) are half as cute as he is!
- I want to have RH’s job. I mean, the man shows up for work, says two words, if that, and gets paid thousands of dollars per episode. Lucky bastard!
- Tea, please run away from this marriage. You can come stay at my house. I am a fabulous southern hostess!
- Finally, ladies and gentlemen, the Silver Fox will get One (More) Life to Live. The end!!
So, overall, a pretty good episode. Not much dialogue from nuJack, which was a gift, in and of itself. Nothing all that spectacular happened, but I enjoyed the show overall.
As always, it has been my pleasure to fill in for ME! She will post on today’s show either later tonight or in the morning. So, until next time, everyone:
Loving you all and meaning it!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tricky Tricky

Friday, June 24, 2011
Can I Get a Doctor?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

(In my best Snoop Dogg voice) Whatitdo?
Good evening my lovelies!! Yes, it is me, MH, again. Poor ME has had it rough the past couple of days/weeks and is about at her wit’s end, so I am helping a sista out so we do not get too far behind on episodes. I am fabu like that! Word!
Disclaimer: I should be over the moon because after over sixty damn days, it FINALLY rained in “The W;” however, I am just a tad pissy for various reasons that ya’ll probably couldn’t give two shits about. Just wanted to warn you all before I got the party started.
I am apologizing for any and all typos right now!!
All righty. Ready? Here we go!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011: Snoop Doggie Fizzle Televizzle Channel Summary of Events in Llanview, PA (AKA, MH surely is now in Purgatory):
Aaaaaaaah, OMG, is this Dorian (AKA: Robin “The Shit on Twitter” Strasser) Lord-Vickers-Buchanan that I see first up on my tv screen??!!! Surely I hallucinated this. Lemme contain my excitement before it gets out of hand. Snap, and Vickers is here, too. Eh. But word, overall! Times, I would not be caught dead in that bra, FYI! Peeing that Dorian is holding it up with a rubber glove. Did she find it at the Chlamydia Motel?! This bitch thinks yes!!
Well, please just effing take my ass out Gabby Medina style. If I have to endure one more episode of Starr and James discussing how Hope does not like James, I will just… well, I don’t exactly know what I will do, but it will be drastic. James has no damn manners. Knock on the door, please, before you enter a person’s home. Manners much?
Time out, is this a new day? Blair and Thomas look way to damn good for having been out all night. Seriously. I have stayed out practically all night in NYC, and I assure ya’ll, my ass was looking all kinds of disheveled. Somebody please remind me again why the eff I should care about Thomas/Blair. They bore me to tears, and I don’t know how that is possible.
Back to Starr and James. I just broke a beer bottle over the counter top then slit my wrists.
UUUUUGGGGGHHH, please kill me. nuJack. (In my best Jack McFarland voice) Peter, Paul, and Mary!
Not gonna lie, this Rex/GiGi stuff is killing me, like in a sad/devastating way.
I am rather uninterested in Brody/John
Aaaaaaaand, yet another confrontation with the sisters Buchanan. Just no comment. Bored.
I have a feeling nothing, not even Dorian, will save this, so far, shittastic episode.
Again, bored to tears by Blair and Thomas, especially since they are discussing a new character that I could give two shits about with less than eight months to go of this show. OMG, aaaaaand, he makes a cameo. Again, please kill me.
Starr and James discussing the newbie’s ass – cannot and will not discuss this foolishness.
How many bitch fights between Nat and Jess are we going to have to endure? Sick of this foolishness, too.
Took a sip of my martito and missed the Brody/John scene. I will get over this one day.
I wish Toad would beat the ever-loving shit out of nuJack. I would pay big bucks to see someone do that!
GiGi is the best looking brain-dead patient I have ever seen. If I am ever brain-dead, I hope to look this fabu. Word!
Dear David Vickers Buchanan, Dorian’s glasses are nowhere near big enough to compete with the likes of Jackie O’s. Please don’t let Dorian be holding up this damn bra the entire episode. Sidenote: I need the OLTL writers to come up with something better than the whole “bridge to sell ya” phrase. I mean, let’s get some variety in our dialogue, there, writers. Kisses, MH! Oh, but thank the good Lawd we did not have to endure the filming of the damn David Vickers movie. Times, why the eff is Vickers’ wedding ring on his middle finger? Um, FAIL!
I refuse to comment/get invested in these scenes revolving this effing newbie character. What is his damn name? Spaz? Baz? Yea, I don’t care either.
Rex, from your lips to God’s ears! Suh-nap, Echo is in the house, people!!! This may save the episode for me. Sidenote: No, I don’t necessarily like the Echo character, per se, but I have to divulge that Kim Zimmer is one of my favs of all-time, and I got to meet her fabu self in April when she came to do a musical in Houston. Word!! ME will attest to the fact that I was beside my damn self at midnight on April 1, 2011. Word!
Toad, please stop wasting my time, and beat the ever-loving shit out of nuJack. You know you want to. I swear, will not call OCS on your ass! I saw nothing!!
Again, the Brody/John scenes are boring my ass to tears. Enough of this already. Same goes for the millionth confrontation bewteen the Sisters Buch! So sick of this never ending storyline.
I cannot deal with this show any longer. I will, from now on, only comment on noteworthy moments. OMG, now newbie French lady is on?! I am in hell for bad-mouthing Mestiny. VIP section, for sure.
TIMES, so ME and I are being the biggest douches on the face of the earth on Twitter right now while imbibing, and Crystal Chapell just tweeted me. Aaaaaaand, this shitty day (and OLTL viewing) has been salvaged. Word!
Have David and Starr ever had a scene together?
I LOVE Robin Strasser, and her ass is totally being wasted on this show – FACT! That is all.
Comment on this Nat/Jess stuff?!? I like the color of Nat’s shirt?! Yea, that’s all I got.
Thank God, Echo’s hair looks better (and is longer) than the last time she was on!! God, KZ can cry on cue like no other. Aaaaaand, she’s in blue yet again.
Idiot friends is right, Toad! Too bad you will not allow nuJack to pay for any of his douchtastic behavior. FAIL in the parenting department for you and Blair. I mean, let’s be serious, nuJack needs to be sent to JUVI like yesterday. SNAP, too bad Tea interrupted this fight, we could have been rid of nuJack. UGH, Tea, I am not pleased with you, but I guess I will give you a pass this time since you changed out of that inappropriate for work/daytime/summer purple dress. Muchos Gracias! Actually, times, this wool-looking suit is not really summer-appropriate either. UGH, fail, OLTL wardrobe!
Tea, nuJack is not your child, and sometimes discipline is necessary. Please let Toad parent/discipline his own child since Blair is more concerned with her libido in NYC. I know, ya’ll can send me hate mail for this comment! Btw, Toad, I cannot handle nuJack either!
Aaaaaand Echo pronounces GiGi just like Bo does. I think they are the only two that pronounce her name like that. I peed on myself!!
Ok, are David and Dorian going to break up yet again? Strasser deserves a better story than this.
Not even dignifying these Thomas and Co scenes with comments. Thank God I am having a martito.
Ok, I kinda like that Nat is telling Jess off. So sick of her (Jess’) whiney ass. Not saying that Nat is my fav, but I am all right with this.
Was that John/Brody scene even a full second? Yea, I don’t really care either.
Anybody think that Echo is the one who had this pic sent to Dorian? That is my guess! I mean, seriously, this shit is an insult to Robin Strasser, and I am, frankly, outraged for her.
I am throwing up in my mouth with these Starr/James scenes, and that is a perfectly good waste of Titos Vodka.
Same goes for Thomas/Blair/Spaz/Baz scenes.
I flurve Kim Zimmer!!! That is all. I really do cry through these GiGi/Rex scenes. Damn, Echo left. WHAN!!!!! I cannot even imagine being in Rex’s position. Cannot deal.
Dear Nat, May I please borrow your shirt? I lurve the color!! Kisses, MH!! You are right, also, the last thing we need is Tess; therefore, I encourage you to make sure Jess is not seeing Dr. Levin cause he sucks major ass.
Who else thinks that nuJack will get off scott-free? Yall will hear my ass scream all the way from “The W” if he does not have to pay for what happened to GiGi. Snap, John is here to arrest nuJack. Am I hallucinating this?
There is not enough Titos in the world for this episode.
OMG, Dorian has the bra and the glove on yet again?? (In my best Nora voice) REALLY? Again, insulted for Strasser. But, thank goodness somebody noticed the wedding ring gaffe, and Vickers now is wearing it on the correct finger. Jesus H!! BTW, raise your hand if you care about this damn Vickers movie? Please note that mine is NOT raised.
Aaaaaaaaaand, I surely was correct in suspecting that Echo was responsible for those photos. I should apply for a job with the LPD. Surely my handsome, precious Bo Buchanan would hire my adorbs self?! Anyone want to write me a letter of recommendation? Well, yea, I didn’t think so. It was worth a try.
Why in the name of all that is holy have I been subjected to an entire episode of James and Starr discussing a new character that I could give two shits about? Times, Nathaniel Q. Salinger is a Senior and is graduatig?? Please tell me I will not have to be subjected to an LU graduation ceremony just for his ass. I mean, seriously. I will say it again, OLTL: less than 8 months. Please get your shit together and rid this canvas of pointless newbies (Fords and especially Mes included). Mucho appreciation, MH! God, I am writing a lot of letters today.
Spaz/Baz’s hat is annoying my ass. I mean, that is all I have to say about this.
YES!!!!!!! nuJack under arrest!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeease, let him get life in prison/JUVI. Nora Buchanan, did your fabu self hear my plea? Please make this happen now that Matthew in on the road to recovery (hopefully)!!! Lurve you!!!
UGH, I do not need to cry again today, Rex. Maaaaary (in my best Jackee voice).
Word!! See ya nuJack!
Is Jess going to take on some of Tess’ personality traits? Yea, I don’t give a rat’s ass either. Times, this is how the show will end? LAME!!!
OMG, I will surely die at 5:15am – thank God tomorrow is my Friday, and that is all I have to say!!! It’s been real recapping this shitfest of a show for you all! As always, I enjoy every second of writing these reactions, and hope that they aren’t too torturous for you all!!! So, until next time:
(In my best Hillary Smith voice) Loving you all and meaning it,
P.S. Mary-Ella's Tuesday post is below mine. ;)
Heart Times for Clint and Rex...

You...Me...Date This Evening?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Oh Natalie, It's Okay. I'm Perfectly Fine with You Sleeping with Brody. Jessica Will Understand, Darling. Don't Worry.