Nora: "I can't believe that not even you and me can make the show enjoyable for Mary-Ella today. I thought surely she would enjoy it today because of us. What are we going to do, Bo?"
Tuesday, September 13th--Marty Is Getting Bored. Soooo We Need To Bring Her Ass Back...Preferably As Victor's Kiler. K, Thanks
I mean...someone tell me when RH went shopping. Snap...Blair looks sassy as usual.
I mean...I laughed when NuJack walked in and said "I know what happened." I mean this kid ain't even believable. Lord have mercy.
I lurve Tea's little lounge sweater. To be in mourning, she looks hella fabu. Oh...and did y'all hear that Victor is still alive? Yeah...supposedly he is but I don't believe it.
This porcupine/mole/beaver whatever the hell thing is insulting! WOOF.
Good God I hate Rex's v-neck shirt.
NuJack is lying. I want to just give him a wedgie and hang him by his underwear on a coat rack.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?! I'm in such a chipper mood--my new haircut is great...short week since I"m going out of town tomorrow...but, of course, OLTL has to swoop in and say "No, ME, f*@k you and your good week. We are going to put MES on today...just for you." Why oh why do I have to be subjected to this girl?!
Praise God. Bo and Nora. However, I have a feeling I will hate their dialogue. I love the lavender cardigan. She looks presh. UGH...a mention of the child. Kill me.
Seriously kill me. Now Mes & Co. I can't deal. SHUT THE F*@K UP, Mes! Why oh why did you have to blurt out to Dan-YELLA and Tea about Shaun's recording?! Just to piss me off I'm sure. Bitch. I'm stopping...I get so outraged with her. That was sweet of Felicia to bring them food. But, Mes is getting no compliments. NONE.
To be poor, Aubrey sure keeps wearing new outfits.
Again, I agree that NuJack wouldn't be such a douche/murderer/all around super shitty person if RH would have been in the picture all this time. In other news, I usually just stare at Blair's figure the whole time she is in a scene. It is unreal.
Ugh...I'm kinda bored...AGAIN. Why is this happening?! I'm just commenting whenever.
I must say I love the lavender color and they should dress Nora in it more often. UGH...cringing about Nora and Bo defending Mestiny. CRINGING!!!!!! I am shuddering as I type. Oh, and Nora just admitted that she shouldn't have gone about the Felicia thing the way she did so maybe all the Nora hate will cease a bit...
I lurve Tea's lounge wear! I'm not discussing Felicia's comments. Just not this morning. Ugh.
I mean...I don't feel sorry for Mes at all and I don't care that the kids are talking about her. I'm such a bitch...I know.
Blair...RH has been away for 8 years and he is a better parent than you are. Exactly!!!! RH: "Where were you!? Getting your hair done!?" YEEEES!!!!!! THIS is what I am talking about. I love that RH is calling out Blair on all her shitty antics the past few years.
I just don't know if I believe NuJack. Regardless, we all know McBain will whisper until he finally learns the truth. Thank God for him in this town. Lord have mercy.
Where is Irene these days?
Y'all I STILL can't get over that they had Erin Torpey in a damn promo and then had her on for ONE...ONE...ONE scene at the end of the show and that was it. Such a fail. OMG.
I mean...granted, I was looking at Hillary's tennis bracelet but I seriously saw it for two seconds and the Rex and BN scene was over. I mean...what was the point? They can't even save the show for me today. That sad....
Yeah, I just told you this whole sob story...but...you just lost your hubs so I won't ask you to be my lawyer. Don't worry about it. WOOF.
I'm sorry but I am on Team RH during this Blair/RH argument. I mean...Blair failed during that debacle.
I'm bored with the NuJack and John scenes. I mean...I want John to hit NuJack with the coffee cup or throw darts at NuJack. That would be sooo much more entertaining.
Wow...another Spring Fling reference. I am praying that when Soapnet starts airing old shows they show that whole thing. I'd lurve it.
I'm bored this episode!!! I mean...my 2 favs are on and I am so bored!! I can't believe this. Boo! Just boo!
Why couldn't the person at Victor's have shot NuJack and NOT Victor. Balls. I lurve it...so NuJack has to write down a statement but Natty didn't make Tracy do one the other day. hehe. ;)
NOOOO WAY that NuJack wrote that statement THAT fast. I mean...WTF, OLTL?
I love that Cutter and Aubs have the blinds open as they discuss the porcupine containing the murder weapon.
Oh, I haven't said it yet so I'll just go on and do the gratuitous I love Bo Buchanan. He is so presh. They just don't get any better than him. Seriously. Well that scene was over rather quickly...
Ugh...I am so tired of hearing the next scheme Cutter and Aubs are planning. Barf Barf Woof. I mean...Aubs and Cutter have dominated the show. How effing sad.
Well, that was sweet of Tea to say that the baby was lucky to have Felicia and Nora. Good for her.
UGH!!!!! I cringe when Mes she had a part of Matthew growing inside her. I literally puked a little.
Praise God...Bo is FINALLY involved with the Victor murder. Lordy. Oh, and I must say that I do enjoy Bo and John scenes. They are good together.
Again, I love the lavender sweater. It looks great with a tan. Hmmmm so a talk about their grandchild. I bet we won't see what happens with this. No doubt. Woof.
So I wonder if Aubs is interviewing for Christian Vega's old position? If so when did this bitch get her bartender's license?
Oh sweet lord I need this episode to end...
Poor Tea. I seriously just can't imagine. =( And crying on cue...fabulous, Tea. Good stuff.
UGH...I mean it is gonna take a damn year before NuJack stops acting like a douche to RH.
Lawd...I need this show to pick up!!!!
Okay I have to hurry...stylist just go here.
Have a lovely hump day darlings!
I tuned in just to see how fab Hillary looked. I was ff ing through what appeared to be some great TnB but I'm so disgusted by this Mes mess plus Bo/Nora coddling Rex/Shane that I didn't make the effort to stop and watch. Mes said she had a piece of Matthew? OMG, thank goodness I missed that whole convo.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking kill all the heavy drama storylines with Bo and Nora. Give them the porcupine and some opportunity for comedy. They could actually make something as stupid as the porcupine work and be interesting...funny...and entertaining. RSW & HBS don't need much to work with. So tired of all the sad news with them.
ReplyDeleteOh, thanks for the always appropriate "I love Bo Buchanan" reference. Can't be said enough.
Wuzzup with RH's bangs? I guess it is supposed to be fashion forward or edgy or something - and of course he still looks gorgeous, but they kept distracting me.
ReplyDeleteTodd sure seems to have mellowed in the last eight years. Still has the temper and volatility, but still. Maybe all he needed was a little electroshock therapy LOL. He is a pussy-cat relatively speaking. MEOW.
I know - Blair has always had the most smoking bod - who could possibly guess she is 50? If only I would look half that hot at the big five-oh.
Can we shove Jack inside that damn porcupine please? Throw Mes in there while your at it.
So glad to see Dorian is still on the brand spanking new opening titles - gives me hope! They sure ain't showing Victor there so that doesn't look so good. I heard those rumors too and was a teensy bit hopeful myself - but like you I am mostly dubious.
Have a fabulous trip my dear!