Clint: "Yeah, I mean I look good in suits, blazers and dress shirts but Mary-Ella likes me in my pjs so I'm gonna just wear those. I like to keep her happy."
Wednesday, July 27th--Clint's Sex Hair Is Blogging For Me
1. Aaaaaaand Dorian looks 1,000 shades of fierce in all that white. No words for this fabulousness really.
2. So, Rama got a job at Roxy's? I mean...WTF? Surely she is not doing hair...no way that bitch got a license. Well, maybe Roxy just doesn't give a shit if Rama is licensed or not? I'll go with that latter. The point of Christian Vega being at Roxy's is.....exactly.
3. YAY!!!!! THANK YOU GOD! I mean...I have NEEDED to see Clint. Those pajamas...scrumptious. I am in such a good mood. Now I just need for there to be no location scenes with the teens...
4. Aaaaand we get the trifecta today...VICKSTER! By the way, she looks fabu in the pink and white. Just presh and perf for summer. Vicki: "I went to your room this morning and you were already gone?" Ugh...that little muskrat was doing Officer Lovett right down the hall from McBain. Word, V.
5. McBain is gonna get a DNA test done for RH? I will ONLY trust the results if Natalie "I should be the star of 'CSI'" Banks conducts the exam. I will not settle.
6. Okay so I have to praise the damn wardrobe department. Tea looks GORG! Her past few dresses have been so awesome. Lurve it. She is sex on a stick.
7. Ugh...I can only get Bo and Nora in the effing opening credits and that is it. Thank God they return Monday. Jesus H. Christ...I'm about to lose it without those two.
8. Man....I mean I just REALLY don't give a shit about Rama and Christian. This is sad since Christian is the most important character on the show. I'm dying to know if he has started looking for a new teaching assistant...
9. Vimal's parents are huge David Vickers fans...mercy. Brody is reeking with crazy. The smell is making its way into my house. In case you're wondering, it smells like Old Spice and baby powder...
10. Thank God V is interrogating Natalie. I need V to not say anything that will make me want to pull my hair out. She sometimes does that when talking to her girls...JUST sometimes. I refuse to talk bad about V.
11. FAIL!!!!! These Clint scenes are about 2 damn seconds. He has been gone for weeks and THIS is what I get?! Thanks for the "f*@k you" writers...
12. I mean...I could discuss how fabulous Dorian looks for days. Now she is spouting off French...loves it. NO! Dorian do NOT pick that lavender dress! Of all the damn dresses you are going to pick that shit?! Please try it on and not like it...begging!!!
13. I'm here to remind you that Blair is a terrible mother and likes to spread her legs...a lot.
14. Wait...so Toad is telling Tea the truth? I honestly don't know. He seems sincere...yes?
15. McBain and RH have an excellent relationship and need to date. Oh, and I'm anxiously awaiting John's pie to come out of the oven. I'm wondering...apple? Hmmm. No...too traditional. I'll have to just wait and see.
16. This whole thing with Rama and Christian and Vimal's mom arriving is just horseshit and I don't have time for it. Game over...
17. Man...I hate the way Todd's house is decorated. It's an eyesore and if I saw the interior decorator I'd give them a wedgie and stomp on their big right toe.
18. I NEED Clint's pjs to have "CB" on the pocket. If I can't get it on the pjs then I need it on his robe. Oh, and Rex is a bastard (literally), but he is just totally getting on my nerves and I'm over this ass clown.
19. Times...how effing nice is it for there to be no teens on...AH!!!!!!
20. The Vicki/Natty scenes are 2 damn seconds, too. Monumental fail.
21. God...this Clint and Dorian phone convo. Hard to believe they dated exclusively...and slept together...now they hate each other. Cray Cray. Oh, may I just say that I love Clint being a major badass on the phone to Dorian and then he just goes back to acting normal. He.Is.So.Awesome.
22. LOL...Toad's so damn horny. Hell, I don't blame him. Oh God...I'm actually genuinely interested in these Toad and Tea scenes. I hope poor Tea doesn't get hurt....whann. Oh holy lord...she just ripped his shirt off. I don't even know why I am surprised...
23. RH's face when Roxy said they have to talk...love it.
24. Peeing...Vimal: "Oh heeeey...John McBain!" I want McBain to say that he came by to invite them over for some pie...
25. I mean...Vickers trusts Roxy to make him "handsomer." I mean...let's be serious. I wouldn't trust Roxy with ANYTHING near my hair or face. God bless her, though.
26. Oh, and I would love a repeat of the "sit your ass down" comment from John to Vimal. I mean...one more time! One more time! Everyone join in...one more time!
27. Vicki's motherly advice is good so far. Le sigh...Natty mentioned how Vicki and Clint used to be together. Memories...
28. Rex continues to be a nasty hamster to Clint...and everyone else.
29. I NEED a good Vicki/Clint scene today. Please, baby Jesus...please.
30. Damn...Tomas is quite taller than Dorian. Oh, I haven't said it in awhile but I would still do Tomas...just once though. He is just not my type...
31. RH sounds like a gila monster! I LOVE this. I wish he would just walk around Llanview making noises like that. What fun!
32. Rex, your finding ways to cope? Just go on and tell Natalie that in your spare time you like to make up shitty anagrams.
33. WORD! Clint and Vickster. Don't worry, Vickster. Clint ain't goin' to jail. I NEED his lovely ass back at the Buch Mansion where he belongs. First order of business once moved back in: Take down that f*@king pic of Gigi on the mantle and replace it with Asa's. YES!
34. Say what? Vickers is back to Dorian's already? I mean...the time and travel in Llanview is so screwy.
35. Who has McBundle at the moment since Natty AND Brody are at the hospital? I am curious as to who the sitter is...
36. Vimal's mom is presh but let's just have these new characters leave. Thanks OLTL. xx, China Lake
37. PEEING!!!!! RH IS WHISPERING LIKE MCBAIN ON THE PHONE!!!! I mean...I LURVE this! However, I must say that I think McBain would probably be like WTF if he saw RH doing that. Loves it! Made my damn night. Well, seeing Clint made my night. Short scenes and all...le sigh.
Exhausted! Will blog about Thursday's show in the morning. Night night.
Love y'all and mean it mucho!
China Lake and Clint's Sex Hair
The only reason I can see for wasting our time with so many newbies that we don't care about is that they are going to be the main characters when the show moves to the internet.
ReplyDeleteI think TPTB will tie up the story of our veterans and leave behind the Vimals, Fords, and Baz.
John Mcbain and RHTodd are the best new couple on the show--Love them together!!
PS--I made pie the other day too--crawfish pie, never got to try it in NOLA so I made my own--yummy!!
@rac Jesus, if the teens/newbies are the main characters on the internet then I'm terrified/devastated. WOOF. I know that some of the vets are def interested (or have voiced that) in staying on but who knows. I'm not holding my breath on anything. I mean, for me, if Bo and Nora don't go online then I won't watch. I hope they do, because I want to continue watching. Ummm McBain and RH are totally FABU and all kinds of hilarious together. LOVE IT! Oh snap! You made crawfish pie!? I'm salivating! I also have an excellent recipe for crawfish bread in my Junior League of Baton Rouge cookbook...lemme know if you want me to share it with you. ;)