Nora: "You know Vicki you really ought to start locking your doors. It was barely shut. Even a little puppy could waltz right in."
Friday, November 11th--McBain's Mane Is Super Pumped to Blog Since Show Was Grand. Even More Pumped About Roxy's Get-Up for the Wedding.
Natty looks super pumped to get married! Awe...Tina looks faaaaaaabulous!
Even more fabulous? Bo in a tux. Jesus this man is adorable. I mean...just when I think this man can't get better he does!!! Asking God to help Matthew so Nora can get her life back. I mean...I could cry. How sweet. Oh Nora looks so pretty! I'm so thrilled to see her! Oh, I met her last week and she is very pretty in person! And so lovely, funny, and gracious...FYI.
AH!!!! Vivian looks gorgeous, too. I lurve her dress!
What is up with Jessica wearing those shirts that expose her shoulder and shit? I don't understand. She wears a lot of stuff like that.
Do NOT call LDV "stupid" Brody! I will beat you!
I mean...how flippin' presh is LDV?! Chewing on Natty's shoe...LOL. Natty doesn't give a flying f*@k. She looks miserable! Any other bride would be going postal if a dog was anywhere NEAR her wedding shoes!
OH EM GEE...what in the HELL does Roxy have on?! Trashtastic but I love it for her. McBain's locks are shocked that Roxy is dressed so horribly. I don't know why they are so surprised. ;)
Jesus I don't know if I can handle Bo and Nora alone...been awhile. I think I just peed when Nora said she logged time at the synagogue! Ooookay so for some reason as I'm watching these Bo and Nora scenes I am reaaaaaalllllyyyy starting to feel like the show is ending. Do not ask me why. This makes me sad. =( Whannn. Anyway, Bo cursing in church...hilar. UGH...I feel so sorry for these two. They have to deal with so much shit. But they are still so adorbs.
Ok so Ultra Violent does NOT seem like a cool place to go. It just doesn't. Poor Shaun!!!! I feel horrible for him. He is like this sweet, adorable teddy bear and I want to just hug him. Dammit Vivian.
OMG Clint and Vicki today, too. I am so pumped! How flippin' nice is Clint being to Rex? Ummm hello let's rewind to this time last year...Clint hated everybody!!! Lord have mercy! And Queen Victoria saved the day, no doubt. She is THAT fabulous.
I'm ducking...granted, I don't want Ford hogging my screen but I find myself...liking him? Jesus what is happening.
Cord is the shit. In case y'all forgot I'm here to remind you. He is so presh. Jesus Brody looks CRAY-ZAY!!!! Those baby blues of his are scaring me!
God, I need Lola to take lessons from LDV. That dog is so damn well behaved. Yes....I love how Tina said Natty's eyes are puffy and she needs cucumbers. Oh no...don't put on that dress Natty. It is bad enough I have to see that shit hanging up. Spare me!
PEEEEING! Normally Roxy's stupidity doesn't humor me but when she said "all intrusive resorts" I literally laughed out loud. Also, I'd like to know if John's locks have decided to stay in Llanview or not. This is important to me.
I am closing my eyes and just listening to the Tina and Natty scenes because I can't look at that dress. Seriously, if I stare at it for too long I will die. Just drop dead...just like that. Jesus...WHY OH WHY can't I care about John and Natalie?! It would make this blogging so much easier. Dammit to hell! I have to say...I do love that Tina is all up in this mix. She is the saving grace for me.
ABC is promoting the hell out of this Gabby Giffords interview and I have to say I'm looking forward to it. Woman is amazing! What a role model. Anyway...
I love this Bo and Nora conversation...really do. I could just listen to them talk like this for weeks! Weeks! Awe...Bo is just edible. Of course Nora is gonna be happy she married you. Y'all are too sweet I can't handle it. UGH...these scenes are two seconds. I mean really?!
I do think it is adorable that Roxy is thinking of EVERYTHING she can to try and get John to stay.
I mean...OLTL has tried like hell to redeem Ford. I mean...he raped Jessica. But based on today's episode, you'd never know it. Lordy. I am so tired of everyone bashing David Vickers the Dog! Dammit!
Natty please...you would have dropped Brody so damn fast if John came to you and said he loved you. That dog is the ONLY one with any sense, I swear. I love the voice. That is Andrea Evans talking isn't it? It sounds like that is her voice...
What the hell?! What are all those tvs about in Ultra Violent? So random. That club looks horrible! HORRIBLE!!!! Ok so the ONLY reason I would go to Ultra Violent would be to give Shaun a hug because that poor baby needs one. Oh and if Snoop Dog performed again I'd go...for shizzle. No no no...don't talk about Mestiny and the baby. For a moment there I forgot about it...whannn.
OMIGOD!!!! I cannot deal with Bo continuing to be the most fabulous man on the planet (after Ross, of course). He is still a lucky husband and wants to dance...presh. Oh no...he did not just call Nora "granny." Ewww. I don't like that. It was funny though. No words for how spectacular Bo is. Could a flashback of them going down the aisle in 1995 been too much to ask for? Jesus. These two are so great. I'm so glad Nora said she would kill Bo if he called her "granny" again...way to go! I mean...his response is "that's my girl." I can't handle his fabulousness today. Just can't.
Now Vicki and Clint...fabulousness overload between these two and Bo and Nora today. I love it. Whoa...so does Vicki have a smart phone so she can instantly see when she gets emails? Or did she just know to check her email? I love it. I love the "official seal" on the paper. haha! How flippn' fabulous do Clint and Vicki look? How many times can I say "fabulous" in this blog? I have GOT to stop. Clint go after Vicki pronto! Bitch worked it out so you can go to Natty's wedding and your tux just came from the cleaners! I mean...you can't let her go! OMG then Clint proceeds to stare at Vicki as he goes up the stairs. I love it.
God...Jessica and Ford following those C/V and B/N scenes...no chance they could ever measure up! "How could he hurt you like that?" Please Ford...please.
Brody's tie is nothing short of shitty. How cute is Cord giving all this advice to Brody? Love it. Oh and on another note...I love that all weddings in Llanview require formal attire. Please. Omigod...Vicki is so flippin' wonderful. What kind words to Brody. Aaaaand Brody still has that crazy twinkle. Ugh...I hate this for him. I really do. Meaning...I hate that his character is going off the deep end like this.
I mean...I feel bad for John with all this stuff but I still don't want him with Natalie...does that make sense? I hate that he is upset but I just wish it wasn't about her.
LDV is too cute for her own good. I LOOOOVE how Tina talks to the dog. Hilar. This dog is a better actress than some people on this show! Little thing is on cue EVERY damn time!
Ok so I do love the Roxy and John scenes. STFU!!!! There is a lot of participation there [in Seattle]. That means rain...I LOOOOOVE it!
OF FLIPPIN' COURSE...Rex has to interrupt Bo and Nora. Le woof. I must say I bet Rex is quite upset.
Clint DOES look handsome in a tux. How sensational do these two look together?! Damn...Clint is out of breath during this whole scene...ha! Worked up over how great Vicki looks? ;) They get along so beautifully that I feel they have been together forever.
Roxy really is so sweet. I love how much she loves John.
Jesus...even Natalie's hair thing is UGH-TROSH! I HATE what she is wearing. This is such a fail. Tina looks stunning in purple. Natty wants to puke. Like at any moment I think she might...
Yeppers...Jess will call John and his locks by the end of this episode. Thanks to Ford...what a guy.
Vicki called Roxy "Roxanne." Lurve it. Victoria is proper with EVERYONE! Bitch is awesome. I love that Bo's tie matches Nora's dress. Daughter-in-law...I think I pee on myself everytime I think about Dorian being Bo and Nora's daughter in law. What is wrong with this picture?! How is EVERYONE all of a sudden getting along?! Bo caught the sweet eyes between Vicki and Clint...nice.
Awkward...way to go Roxy. Shaun looks like he wants to just go in the corner and cry.
I feel that all weddings in Llanview are just thrown together. Brody and Cord just ran into the church and Cord's like "Oh they will be here any minute." Geez I'd hope so...
Wait just a damn minute...John isn't taking the slot machine with him to Seattle?! Bullshit. Eh...cute flashback I guess. My ONLY compliment I'm giving to these two.
Natalie just called Vicki "mommy." Does that normally happen?
I love that Tina goes out on the balcony to talk to David Vickers to tell her to come back. Hilar.
OH EM GEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LDV made it to Llanfair?! How cute is she when she claws on the door?! This dog is a flippin' superhero I swear...
Thank you, Cord! Tina needs to get LDV a leash! Damn. Tina's ditziness was made up for because she and Cord exchanged "I love yous." Le sigh. I'd feel the same way Tina. If Lola was missing I'd feel the same way.
Vicki's security is SHIT! I mean...the pup barely pawed on the door and the front door to Llanfair just opened...I mean...REALLY?! REALLY?!
At least Roxy is asking Natty the right questions! Good for her! She really does have the best intentions. LOL...who is Nora smirking at off camera? Surely she didn't know that was being filmed....
Ugh...Jessica either call or don't call. Dammit.
HOLY HELL!!!! Brody looks UBER creepy!!! Those eyes! Oh and from the back the minister looks like Mitch Lawrence, p.s. Brody is creeping me out...can't deal.
John what about your couch?! Your phone?! The slot machine? Are you sending movers?
Ooookay! I have to run. I'll see y'all back here tomorrow. Praying for a good episode! How great was it to see the Vets on Veterans Day huh?! Loved it.
And I love y'all! Ciao!
I realized I had this constant big stupid grin on my face all the way thru the blog. You and your "fab four" are a perfect combo. Talk about inspired. And...the title is perfect!
@Christie Taking a break from thank you note writing...UGH! Awe...you had a stupid grin the whole time you read my blog? That warms my heart. I feel like I have done my job if someone smiles even once or laughs once while reading this! The "fab four" are so perfect that they make it easy to write. Thank you thank you for all your praise. And, I'm glad you like the title...thought it was quite fitting! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh fab day! No words can express the warm feeling I got with Bo and Nora, Bo just knows how to melt my heart. Then to get Clint and Viki too!! But I got to say, I do miss evil Clint, adored evil Clint.
ReplyDeleteI hate HATE! What they have to done to Brody for this stupid story. He was the only one of the three guys willing to step up and take care of those babies, no matter who the father. Now he is the bad guy. But Ford who raped Jess, then tried to worm out his responsibility, he is the the upstanding guy. I am suppose to cheer for him and John, the man who is so emotionally cut off from the world, you can't tell the difference from when he is ecstatic or depress. I am miffed at this entire storyline.
@mojomiller Stop...my heart was skipping a beat the whole time! I just hate how short the scenes were. Clint...loved him evil. I mean...this time last year...hello?! He hated everyone...kinda loved it. I can't lie. As far as this Brody thing, UGH is all I have to say. I hate that they made Marty crazy and then she left and now they are doing it to Brody. He is a damn war hero and quite the stand-up guy and ALWAYS was there for Jessica and Bree and now they are making him crazy...unacceptable. But, he has to get sacrificed in order for Jolie to get a happy ending. FAIL!!!! I know...Ford is disgusting and raped Jess but for some reason the past few times I have seen him I don't think of that. I know...horrible. But, I find him cute for some reason...I'm ducking. But like you I'm miffed with the storyline...totally.
ReplyDeleteMiffed is a great word for that. One Life to Live on the one hand, is trying to bring back/show more older pairs of beloved characters (Clint/Vikki, Bo/Nora, Clint/Tina), which is nice, but then on the other hand, Force NuJack and Neela, Cutter and his antics on us.
ReplyDeleteOn a personal note, I'm pretty miffed at the producers for being cruel to a friend of mine. When Brandon Buddy (Cole Thornhart) had a falling out with one of the producers over a potential plotline, they decided to go their separate ways. Brandon even left New York and returned home to Texas. The producers felt (and after a LOT of fan mail wanting Brandon to stay) that his interpretation of Cole was too well loved to recast, and so they sent him to jail long term instead. Same fans have been asking for him to return now that the show is going off ABC.
Skip ahead to OLTL calling him and bringing him back to NYC. To say he was excited, is an understatement. He filmed his scenes, and after a couple of days, came into work as normal, only to be introduced to "Cole" now Recast (apparently this wasn't a problem now) with Van Hughes, who by the way, already played someone else on the show last year. Major UNCOOL. Not only did they publicly embarrass Brandon, but informed him and everyone that ALL of the Cole scenes would now be re-shot (and they have). The situation was awkward at best, BB was devastated, and there was no reason to do that publicly, other than some leftover pettiness from his last exit. What puzzles me is if they never intended to use BB why tease fans, why tease him, and why bring Cole back for that matter? It's not like anyone in Llanview even talks about him anymore? Just leave him off canvas. Oh wait, Prospect Park...if that ever happens. Half the good ones haven't signed on, so...
OK that's my mini rant. Sorry, I just don't like it when peole are mean for no reason. And I don't like when they forget about the faithful audience that's stuck with them through the end. I do like more Bo and Nora, more air time and smiles for them, a few other actresses I've already said I can't wait to see, Love Cord and Tina.
Yes, Mija, Andrea Evans is the voice for Tallulah's LDV. :) Ford and Jess are going to get closer, hate to tell ya, Brody the war hero reduced to crazy man with a gun (bummer), Jolie.
OK, I'm going to the Buenos Dias so that maybe some of Carlotta's cooking can change my mood! LOL
wow--they are a nasty bunch over at OLTL--i was never a fan of the character of cole, but the actor seemed like a nice guy--horrible.
ReplyDeleteCan't watch until this Brody stuff is over--loved the character and can NOT take this storyline--the writers are idiots
Pressed for time so quick response tonight...HAVE to reply to this!
ReplyDelete@RC AND RAC I mean...how effing awful about BB! I mean...if OLTL did that then they are so shitty. Yes, granted Cole wasn't my favorite character or anything but forget that...BB seemed like a nice guy. How awful! Hopefully things will work out for him elsewhwere...best of luck! As always, thanks for the scoop RC. You always have something interesting to say and you always give good dish. UGH...the Brody stuff...just no. I am with RAC...the writers are idiots with this. He is being reduced to shit...makes me sick.