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Nora: "This will look perfet hanging up in the garret. It needs a little sprucing up." |
Hi! I'm alive and yes this is still an active blog. I swear I blame this new schedule. I just completely forgot to blog last Thursday and I barely remembered to watch the show. Also, I can't tell you what happened on last Thursday's show. Thursday to Tuesday is a long wait. If they could even just make it a Monday, Wednesday, Friday deal I would be so happy but until then I'm gonna try and remember. If not, then I need to start setting alarms! Hope y'all had a great holiday weekend! We had a housefull of people so it was fun!
Tuesday, May 28th
Alright OLTL, I have loved you since 1992. However, for the love of all things holy can we please just have ONE DAY away from the teens. JUST ONE! You are making me hate these kids by shoving them down our throats. Rant over...
I still don't understand why Shelter is a fine dining establishment and a druggie club. Again, where is The Palace? Glad to see some Blair and Tea convo. Always makes me happy.
They love to have Des in short skirts. You would think Vicki would have a school uniform type length requirement at The Banner. Obvs not. And OF COURSE Matthew effing left and isn't going to watch Drew! I'm sorry but I think all this is just ridiculous. There is no way in hell that based on the history of this character that Matthew would be pulling this shit. However, even if he DID pull this shit I just don't think Bo, Nora, Clint, or Asa's ghost would let him carry on this way. It is just absurd. All the vets do is talk about how Matthew is a slapdick and needs to be a parent to Drew but no one is doing anything about it. Granted it's probably hard in two episodes a week but still...y'all get my point.
Yes random girl I bet you don't do drugs with anyone else either. You only do them with people that look like your father because you could feel safer. Bitch please. And she looks like a trashy Jennifer Lawrence a little bit. These people that work for Cutter are just eye candy and I'm fine with it. Dusky...great, more of her. She does nothing for me. However, if I decide to become a stripper I think I found my stage name "DUSKY". I can see that name up in lights at a fine establishment off the interstate somewhere. I could really make this work. Wait no, that random chick does NOT look like a trashy JL. My bad. I am completely 100% creeped out by her old date. And now that I think about it why are we even watching this scene with two randoms?!
Yes!!! Natalie, Nigel and Vicki! This is what I'm talking about. And of course the scene is two f*cking seconds. Fantastic. Like, I literally think it was 9 seconds or something...
We haven't had enough Tea/Blair convos. I actually love them. Tea, you really don't think that Dan-YELLA is out until 2 am?! Come on, girlfriend. Also, what the hell is a gaming console? Lmao...I love the adjectives Blair spouted off to describe Jack.
I do love that Clint is super furious and fired up like all kinds of hell at the mention of John's name! This is fabulous. Why are these scenes two seconds?
GTFO...Snoop! I love it. Bo is so damn excited to see Snoop! I love it. LMFAO....Nora: "Snoop Lion, honey." Bo: "Snoop don't lie, honey." I cannot. I am laughing out loud at this adorable corny joke. This scene is a hot minute, too! What the hell?
Dan-YELLA is so wet she looks like she just took a shower! OH EM GEE. She is really trying with Matthew with all this taking me out to dinner talk. UGH...I got nothing waiting on me at home. Matthew I want to beat you!!!!
Man, Jeffrey REALLY likes wearing vests. Intrigued about the British guy who saw Jeffrey as his protege. Nice way he related that to how BN want to help Destiny even though they aren't "family". She needs to hear that. I understand Des wants Matthew to help but honey if you are holding your breath then I suggest finding a snorkel soon because you ain't coming up for air anytime soon.
I wish I was "so excited" as Dusky is that her ass is gonna be on this show. It's better than Riff-Raff that's for sure. Blair!!!!! This is supposed to be a nice restaurant that turns into a club after hours, right? Jesus Christ, don't let people straddle each other at the table!!! This place is a brothel, I swear. Renee should come manage it!!
Clint looks dapper. Duh. Yeah, I want some Liam interaction with V/C. REALLY? John wants to see Liam and if Natalie stands in his way then she can talk to his lawyer? WHAT?! As if John McBain would act like this. I was so confused. My friend Gail told me that on "General Hospital" Clint issued a restraining order against John or something and prevented him from seeing Liam. So maybe this is where all the animosity is coming from? Shot in the dark. It sounds like Natty and Vicki don't know about it. Vicki is such a fabulous mother. If I have parenting questions, I wish I could just dial her up. BRING BACK JOHN! Sorry, I had to say it. Opportunity was there. Not really, but I just made an opportunity. Anyway, Natalie go screw Cutter to take the edge off a bit. I hate to see Natalie just pining away for John especially if he isn't coming back to Llanview. Ugh. Listen to Vicki! You are so beautiful! She is right..."Life is short. Don't wait for the phone to ring." I like this new Vicki giving advice. I feel back in the day she didn't dish out such forward advice...
Really Bo? You have been to Jamaica? Does Snoop's minion have super sonic hearing because how in God's name did he hear that little snap outside the door. His hear must have been up against the glass. Yes, that's it. OMG...Nora holding up the Snoop poster is hysterical. This whole thing is so comical. I wonder if any of these people besides the young ones have REALLY listened to Snoop's music. I just can't see Bo, Nora, Clint or Vicki listening to "Gin & Juice" or "What's My Name?" Let alone have they seen his old music videos?! I'm LOL'ing just thinking about it. LMFAOOOOOO.....Nora: "Well good luck at the screening and break a...paw." This snapping business?! I love it. I need to find someone that comes running when I snap my fingers.
Everyone wants a piece of Cutter it seems. Even Dusty. Or Dusky...whatever the hell. And Rama. And Natalie. Personal heartbreaker? Who is Rama talking about? Certainly not Vimal.
WE GET IT, OLTL. Des' has to keep her HuluPlus account so the neighbor will babysit. I'm not cancelling my HuluPlus subscription anytime soon. Don't fret.
So wait did Natalie actually call John? It said "calling". I'm confused. Did he just not answer or was there a voicemail and they didn't show it? WTH?
AH!!! David Vickers surfacing at over 20 minutes into the show! LOVE! May I just say that my heart does melt that Clint is over at the garret about to play poker. I feel all is right. What? No Buchanan Lodge set where they can play poker? I kid. I'm not being demanding. How presh. Nora came to play! Cigar, visor, the works. Man's game my ass. I hope she f*cking takes all their money. And please! Where in God's name would she go if she were left out? Their small kitchen? Their bedroom?! Pretty sure there aren't any other rooms left in that matchbox! And why is everyone annoyed she wants to play anyway?
OMG Natalie looks drop dead gorgeous!!!! Let her in that club right now! Go and get you some, girlfriend!
Ok so the table below Dorian's portrait really looks like a fake fire place with clouds as the "fire". Something has felt off about it since I have seen it.
Of course Jack has to surface and purposely give me the middle finger at about 22 minutes into this show. I was so close. Damn. I'll be serious for a second. Thankfully Tea is talking to Jack. Maybe if he hears some of this from her he will stop being so...Jack. I really want to see him make some progress with Todd, truly. Mainly because I like Todd and don't enjoy seeing him so sad after he deals with Jack but I still want the progress regardless! Come on, Tea!!! The show is almost over! Please don't cry! DAMMIT! Have you cried every episode?! Have you?!
Ok, I'm off to email people back about showing us apartments. WOOOOOF! More later dears!